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Singles Day Wishes

花好网     2017-07-09     浏览(191547)
1. Bachelor’s pain, bachelor’s annoyance, bachelor’s life is always chaotic; bachelor’s sadness, bachelor’s tired, bachelor’s life is unaccompanied. This year is the Giant Singles Day. Naturally, I will send you a heavier blessing. I hope you will leave the singles as soon as possible and never celebrate this festival again in the coming year.

2. Singles’ Day, the once-in-a-hundred-year Singles’ Day is here, and I will give you a great gift package containing: a wishful golden hoop, wish you all the best, the best in everything; a bottle of a century-old wine, wish You get drunk and relieve your sorrows on Singles Day; a treasure bag containing Baifu, Baishou, Bailu, Baimei, let you enjoy unlimited.

3. This year’s Singles’ Day coincides with six one, called the Giant Singles’ Day. In fact, thinking about the life of singles is also very beautiful. Free time is so beautiful. I am in charge of my place. No one is arguing with you. May you be a giant Singles Day and be single still happy.

4. The Singles Day of 11.11, are you still worried about not having a partner? Then you will be out. Today you must hold to live. After today, the gods and horses will be full of clouds, because you will be promoted to immortals. I wish you happiness and health!

5. On 11.11 Singles Day, if you have nothing to do, just do the math: 1+1=2, good things come in pairs, 2+2+2=6, live in a smooth way, 1-1=0, and you will eventually find the other half in love. A complete life, I wish you happiness!

6. Watch two fish in the lake play in the water, watch two birds flying in the sky, and butterflies flying in the flowers. You envy, you look forward to it, and you also want to find someone to love. Today is Singles' Day, I wish all the singles bid farewell to Singles' Day as soon as possible, and they will play together.

7. On 11.11’s Singles’ Day, live a good life single-mindedly, work well every time, do things well in every word and deed, and keep the mentality of children on "June 1" forever!

8. Singles’ Day Declaration: Get up, people who don’t want to be singles, let us celebrate the giant Singles Day together; the title of singles is beyond our tolerance; every singles roars that is rare in a century; get up, get up, let the singles be united, To "get off" and help each other, move forward, forward, and forward toward the ideal of "getting off".

9. The north wind blows the chill, and the short-breath blessing reminds you: November 11 Sunshine Stick Festival is here, bachelors must take care of themselves, pay attention to adding clothes and quilts in the morning and evening, prevent colds, and keep healthy.

10. Although gentle ladies and gentlemen are so beautiful, there are so many beautiful women nowadays, and it is hard to find one sincerely! Waiting for the true bachelors, you must make a good wish for Singles’ Day this year, and I wish you all your happiness at this time next year!

11. Loud other people's women, spend other people's money, live their own lives, let others be bachelor. Today is Singles’ Day, I wish you a bachelor in the world, a bachelor of the sun, a bachelor of the moon, a bachelor every year, and a bachelor for a lifetime. Haha, just kidding!

12. On 11.11 Singles' Day, six ways to get you naked: 1. Pretend to have money when you meet a beautiful person. 2. Pretend to be empowered when you encounter wealthy people. 3. Pretend to be talented when encountering power. 4. Pretend to smile when you meet talented people. 5. Pretend to be subtle when you encounter a smile. 6. When you encounter implicit ones, say loudly: What do you pretend to be bachelors!

13. Couples on the street hold hands and swim together with mandarin ducks in the river. I hold my left hand and my right hand, and walk along with my feelings. I am lonely and sad, troubled. When will the title of bachelor end? 2014.11 Singles' Day, I hope that the old moon will send a kind heart to a girl, and I will cherish it and never leave my hand.

14. Beautiful women are always out of reach, shouldn't they give up; Singles' Day has passed and passed, shouldn't it be celebrated? On the occasion of Singles’ Day, I wish you all a happy Singles’ Day!

15. The bad luck is kicked out, the troubles are gone, the sorrow is thrown away, the happiness is exposed, the happiness shines, the smile is also sunny; hair is shaved, words are used up, drinks are consumed, meals are eaten, wages are spent, and clothes are taken off. Singles' Day, the more light the happier!

16. Bachelor thinks, Bachelor hopes, when will you not be alone? The life of a bachelor is troubled every day. This year is the Giant Singles Day. I have to give you a huge blessing to this giant bachelor. I hope you will not be alone in the coming year.

17. It's another year of Singles' Day, which coincides with November 11th, 2011. I will send you a text message to send you blessings. I hope that June 1 will be paired and the three couples will worship together. What has nothing to do with you? Looking down, the three couples laughed together, among them I and you!

18. Bachelor is sad, bachelor is annoying, bachelor is alone for the New Year; bachelor is sad, bachelor is miserable, bachelor is always alone. This year's Singles' Day coincides with six one, also known as the Giant Singles' Day. The bachelors can't help but sigh up to the sky, when will they leave the order?

19. Receiving this text message shows that you are a lonely person. Whether you are a gold leftover or hug from left to right, on November 11, this sacred Singles’ Day, take out your inner loneliness and let The baptism of the Holy Light is consecrated, and the next moment, you will completely undress and evolve!

20. The poem said: The bachelor is not terrible. As long as you pursue too many, you will be missed. There are later generations. I would rather chase a hundred by mistake than let go of one. Auntie, as long as you hold hands to be happy, you won't be in vain, and it's enough to be worthy of this century-old giant Singles Day. Wish you happy!

21. A person’s Singles’ Day is not about being alone; a person’s Singles’ Day is just a frustration; a person’s Singles’ Day, if there is no one to accompany, you have to learn and put loneliness aside. For Singles Day 2014, I wish my friends who are still alone, happy and happy.

22. Ask how sad you can be, every year, every year. Now it is a once-in-a-hundred-year-old festival of the gods, and the old man goes down to lead the red line. May you say goodbye to the bachelor and find true love!

23. If you offend your boss, what you lose is a job; if you offend a customer, what you lose is an order; if you offend a friend, what you lose is a friendship; if you offend a relative, what you lose is an emotion. But if you offend your girlfriend, congratulations, buddy, happy Singles' Day! Ha ha

24. I know fighting career all day long, and I don’t even have time to fall in love. I remind you: life is precious, live one day or one less day, hurry up and find someone who loves you to take care of you! Wish all the bachelors will no longer be bachelors after today’s Singles’ Day.

25. The Bachelor's Day is coming. The single nobles are not afraid of difficulties, and they are brave enough to catch up, and finally break the mirror and reunite. The wedding ceremony is set at 11:11:11 on November 11, when the bachelor’s hat is finally thrown off, and he will marry a daughter-in-law, Le Xiaoyao.

26. 11.11. If you think this represents Singles' Day, then you are wrong. It is obvious that three pairs of lovers have an appointment and sit in a row! Oh, I hope you are one of my friends.

27. Life is precious, love is more expensive, although work is busy, don't delay in love, hold both hands at the same time, happiness is in front of you. On November 11, the Sun Club Festival is here, and I wish to drink your wedding wine one day earlier.

28. Congratulations on your promotion from a bachelor to a sacred stub, and you will abide by the responsibilities of the sacred stub in the future. In order to express blessings, a blessing is given here. Wish God Clubs Happy Day and happy every day.

29. The bachelor’s good, the rain is enough, the bachelor’s is great, the meal is enough security, the bachelor is happy, the bachelor is more bachelor, the bachelor is happy, the bachelor wishes the bachelor a happy holiday, the bachelor sings love songs to the bachelor, just as happy Life.

30. In this age of strict wife control, I heard that you are actually the number one at home. No one dares to object to what you have agreed to. If you are happy, you are happy for the whole family. By the way, the 11.11 Giant Singles Day is here. I wish you this bachelor: Happy holidays and become second in command as soon as possible!

31. 11.11. The giant Singles Day, a rare occasion in a century, is here. I wish you dazzling, shining, and shining, find a beautiful couple as soon as possible, take off as soon as possible, and become a father and mother. May the light of happiness shine for you forever.

32. The one who rides the white horse is not necessarily the prince, but it may also be Tang Seng; the one who has passed Children's Day is not necessarily a child, but may also be a bachelor. I wish you: Happy Singles' Day on June 1st!

33. Today is very unusual. Six bachelors stand aside. The boss wishes you all the best. The second child hopes that you will make money. The third child wishes you a leisurely work. The fourth child hopes that you will be happy every day. The fifth child wishes you good luck. , Lao Liu gave you the six-character mantra "being stripped in the coming year". Wish: Happy Singles' Day!

34. Bachelor’s contribution to the country: Couples spend extravagantly, bachelor saves, promotes the consumption of low-level products, mediates the market, reduces the number of participants in entertainment activities, and eases the current situation of crowded entertainment projects caused by China’s huge population. The society saves more resources for excellent men and women, and allows resources to be used more rationally.

35. Sweetness, happiness, warmth, joy, warmth, longing, caring, these have nothing to do with you, do you feel very lost? 11.11 Singles’ Day, bachelors, hurry up~ End your single life!

36. The bachelors have raised their hands. Your holiday is coming. The only difference this year is that there are six sticks to welcome you. Feeling a little more grand? Then act quickly and boldly pursue the love in your heart.

37. The bachelor’s day gives you six clubs: one club gives you happiness, one club gives you well-being, one club gives you success, one club gives you opportunities, one script gives you a beautiful woman, and the last club knocks you up, where is the beautiful woman Ah, haha, happy holidays!

38. One person is lonely and two people make mistakes. In order to prevent us from making mistakes and making mistakes again and again, God asked me to remind you on November 11: I am still a bachelor. If you understand, just take action. If you don’t understand, just give some blessings, so that your conscience will be safe, and I wish you a happy Giant Single’s Day!

39. Look at other people in pairs and look at yourself alone. Are you worrying about being a bachelor? You are a female bachelor, I am a male bachelor, and you and I are not bachelors together. This year is the festival of the gods, let us say goodbye to singles and let us be happy!

40. 11.11 is the Singles Day once in a hundred years. In order to celebrate this grand festival, China Mobile and China Unicom launched an activity to send text messages to send phone bills. Forward this short message to ten good friends, and then take the bachelor card to each business hall to receive 50 yuan of phone bills.

41. Having been single for so many years, I finally added another year to this very special Singles Day. It's like watching the news broadcast for decades, but I didn't see the finale. So I am painful and happy.

42. People look for you thousands of Baidu, suddenly looking back, it turns out that you are still single! Give me a chance to say goodbye to being single! Singles Day, go to the festival with me!

43. I have been single for so many years, and finally added another year to this very special Singles Day, just as if I watched the news network for decades, I didn't see the finale. So I am painful and happy.

44. On the special day of November 11, I swear to Grandpa Mao that for the sake of the great population of the motherland, I decided to take the road of singles as my goal, to not find the opposite sex as my duty, to not linger in love as the direction, and to be the bachelor of sentient beings. Ideal, assiduously guarding the single, dedicated to the country for life.

45. Six words for Singles’ Day: Happy Singles’ Day! Living in a busy city, no one asks, no worries when you are bareheaded, you can sweep love and hatred, save water, electricity, and kerosene, and rush to find freedom. November 11th, the best happy Sunshine Festival!