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Childbirth blessings

花好网     2017-07-09     浏览(193042)
01. Suddenly there is a little more sweetness in the days, and there seems to be a little warmth in the air. In this happy day, let the flowers bring you beautiful blessings: "Wish you good health, all the best, and wish you baby Smart, lively and cute!
02. I am really happy for you. You have become fathers and mothers. We believe that this little angel will bring us more joy in the years to come!
03. The fragrance of flowers is floating, and the moon is like water, celebrating the joy of Tian heir!
04. Lin'er screams from Xinxiang. Blessed is the family of Ji Shan, year after year!
05. Congratulations on the birth of the newborn, and extend my best wishes! May the newborn baby bring you countless happiness! I wish the baby: good health! Grow strong!!!!!!
06. It's so comforting to hear about Jiaoer. Congratulations to you two and your lucky little ones!
07. On the day when you two celebrated your precious son, may the newborn baby bring you countless new joys! Congratulations, and wish your son bring you happiness.
08. Congratulations: Happy daughter, wish the whole family safe, wishful, healthy and happy!
09. A pair of cute twins! How happy! How cute! You are not blessed by God once, but favored twice!
10. Congratulations! Congratulations! I wish the baby grow up healthy, safe and happy!
11. Comrade xxx: Congratulations for such a high production efficiency! congratulations 
12. Congratulations, please share your experience with us bachelors.
13. There is a long way to go to raise a son, so work harder!
14. Congratulations! Congratulations! I wish the baby healthy, smart and beautiful! ! !
15. Congratulations! Brother xxx is so happy that your son has been promoted to be a father, and we can also be promoted to the next level!
16, account for Zhang's joy. Thinking of Shilin in the sky, he will be a pillar of life in the future. Ode to the victory, I hereby offer (name of gift), Fuweishina. Su He Linxi. And praise Li'an.
17. He Nu: Enthusiastically thinking, suddenly passing the bird report. I learned that the Jun family has the joy of holding beads, congratulations and congratulations. Gai Guizi will be prosperous, and Haitang will be the first. In the future, he was elected by the dragon, and shot the bird Zhengxiang. It is even more congratulatory to have both Bingqing and Zilaiyurun. Attach Chen (the name of the gift), not as a gift, and chat with a companion letter. Shun Songtan well-being.