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Birthday greetings for elders

花好网     2017-07-07     浏览(160795)
Father's Birthday Wishes

01, Dad, I miss you, not only today, but today is your birthday, although I am out of town, my heart has flown back to you!
02, Dad, on this special day, may all the joy and joy/continuously flock to your window.
03. In your body, I understand the meaning of life and see the real light of life... / Happy birthday to you!
04, Dad, I love you, not only today!
05, Dad, on this special day, all the blessings are packed with our love in your wine glass, red, deep, until the bottom of my heart
06, Dad, give my thanks, for your patience and love for me over the years
07, I wish you a delicious and exciting birthday, my dad!
08. When I was young, you took my little hand for a walk under the sunset. The wind under the sunset is so selfless, so soft, clear, and deep. Today, I still remember the sunset, the wind, please them Bring my deep blessings.
09, Hua Chaoyuexi, picturesque, with Dad’s love, you have always been beautiful and young, I wish you a happy birthday! Of course, thank you Dad!
10. I'm so glad that today is your birthday. The teacher said that I am a gift from God. I hope this gift is not too bad. Happy birthday dad!
11. For us, the greatest happiness is the understanding of our parents. I have obtained this happiness and have never lost it. So on your birthday, I will say to you: Thank you!

Mother's Birthday Wishes

01, your birthday reminds me of your thoughtfulness to me, and everything you have done for me. I just hope that the happiness you give me, I will return it to you in the same way
02. The lingering mother in the dream, you are my supreme sunshine, and I will always remember your nurturing grace-on this mother's birthday, I wish you good health and happiness!
03. When the fire is always extinguished, people always have years of dying, full of flowers and hair is the testimony of mother's hard work, slightly curved back is the figure of mother's hard work...Blessings every year, blessings every year!
04. Happy birthday, mom. I really hope that there will be words to express our gratitude. Thank you for your daily housework and your help. May you always be happy and healthy in the years to come!
05, I wish my beautiful, optimistic, enthusiastic, healthy, confident, and energetic big friend-Mom, happy birthday!
06, send mother: Some people say that there are no eternal feelings in the world. I said no! Mother is eternal, she is a never-falling star.
07. In your body, I understand the meaning of life and see the real light of life...Mom, today is your birthday,
08. When I was young, you took my little hand for a walk under the sunset. The wind under the sunset is so selfless, so soft, clear, and deep. Today, I still remember the sunset, the wind, please them Bring my deep blessings.
09. For us, the greatest happiness is the understanding of our parents. I have obtained this happiness and have never lost it. So on your birthday, I will say to you: Thank you!
10. Mom, I miss you, not only today, but today is your birthday, although I am out of town, my heart has flown back to you!
11. Mom, on this special day, may all the joy and joy/continuously flock to your window.
12. In your body, I understand the meaning of life and see the real light of life... / Happy birthday to you!
13, Mom, I love you, not only today!
14, Mom, on this special day, all the blessings are packed with our love in your wine glass, red, deep, until the bottom of my heart

Birthday message

01, like the eternity of the moon, like the rising of the sun, like the longevity of the Nanshan Mountains. Such as the luxuriant pines and cypresses, all or the inheritance.
02. The spring and autumn are changing, and the years are reincarnated. When Jiashen walks towards us with light steps in the new year, we gather here to wish the mother of Mr. ***-our respected * old mother. Ten birthday.
03. Here, on behalf of all my old classmates, all relatives and friends, I would like to send the most sincere and warmest wishes to *mother. I wish *mother a blessing in the East China Sea, longevity, health, happiness, and happiness. , Yishou Yannian!
04, 80 years of ups and downs, *mother has read the vicissitudes of life in the world, the greatest wealth she has accumulated in her life is her diligent and kind-hearted simple character, her gracious and generous way of dealing with others, her loving and simple home wind. All this, accompanied her through the bumpy years, but also with her ushered in the happiness of life in her later years.
05, and what makes *mother most happy is that this precious wealth has been inherited by her beloved son Mr.***. Over the years, he has mastered the business world and achieved great success with his extraordinary courage and integrity. However, he has not forgotten the nurturing of his parents and elders, the support of his father and the villagers, and the help of his classmates and friends, and generously donated money to relatives and friends in need, and contributed to the construction of his hometown. It can be said that he dedicated his filial piety to his mother, his love to his hometown, his care to his relatives, and his sincerity to his friends. I think, let us ring a warm applause together and send endless confidence to Mr. ***!
06. The guests ordered wine and smiled at Qingshan to present their birthday. Hundreds of years are safe, and the plum blossoms are old and cold. Today, the crowd is full of people here, giving the cold winter the warmth of spring.
07. Jun Song Nanshan is saying that Nanshan is not old in spring, and I'm leaning toward the North Sea as if the North Sea is especially deep. Finally, let us offer our most heartfelt wishes, bless the tree of life for the elderly, the tree of life is evergreen, the water of life is long, happy birthday, and the spring is always blooming!
08, I wish men and women a longevity of the pine and cypresses, such as the East China Sea, longevity than Nanshan Nanshan, tribute to the sun and the moon, I wish immeasurable longevity, cranes, longevity, pine forest, years of life, celebration of Yanji Chou Peng Island, spring breeze and longevity. Hongkai Qingyanxuan Chou Godsend pure fake Jinjue Yanling said to wish a holiday
09, I wish husband and wife double life, luck, double star, day in the year, double star in the sky, double star in the sky, pine and cypress together in spring, Huatang, together, Taokai Lianlihong, Qimei, Jiwu Lianhui, crane calculation with the same name, Shouyu together ascend, Chun Xuan Bingmao, a blessing at home, a double star in the sky
10, I wish men longevity in the East China Sea, Nanshan longevity, river and mountain with longevity, Nanshan with longevity, natural protection nine such as the rise of the sun, the sea house has a longevity, and is bestowed by the gods. Longevity is better than Songling.
11. Wishes the Queen Mother of Longevity Longevity Fuhai Shoushan Beitang Xuanmao Cizhu Fenghe Xinghui Baowu Xuan Ting Festival Celebration Flat Peach Xian Song Xuan Pavilion Changchun Meishou Yan Tang Xuanhua Tenghui Tenghui Wusu