广州雪亮花店 广东广州市荔湾区 芳村芳兴路70-16

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Chinese Valentine's Day Wishes

花好网     2018-03-19     浏览(202917)
      1. Don't talk sweetly about love, as long as you cherish each other in this life. You are the person I want to cherish the most, my dear, happy Qixi Festival!

      2. May you be happy every day, happy forever, Happy Qixi Festival!

      3. I hope to walk through the days with you hand in hand, whether it is flowers paving the road or the ground full of thorns, I will always be with you! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

      4. With you, you don’t have to try to guess each other, you don’t have to rack your brains to please, you don’t need to spend money to maintain, thank you for your company, happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

      5. My dear, meeting you is the greatest happiness in my life, love you forever!

      6. Love is eternal, promises remain unchanged, and Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

      7. The heat is getting closer and I realize that Qixi Festival is also coming quietly. At this moment, everything may be forgotten, but the only thing that cannot be forgotten is: I will say to you softly: You are happy, I am happy, I wish every day a happy day!

      8. Baby, I am very happy to be with you, very happy, we will always be happy! happy Holidays!

      9. Every day I can see you silently and I am very satisfied. I send you a bunch of flowers on the Qixi Festival, I wish you happiness. May the two hearts know and be with you.

     10. Baby, working outside, I can only give you a bunch of flowers on the Qixi Festival. I hope everything is fine for you, and your happiness is my happiness.

      11. My dear, Happy Valentine's Day made in China! I really love you!

      12. May my girl become more and more beautiful, happy and happy! You and me are no longer alone, because there is a heart that misses you in a faraway place.

      13. Use this bunch of beautiful flowers to express my heart! Let’s talk about the last sentence: Only you in my heart!

      14. I wanted to say something to you in my sleep last night. I thought about it a lot. After waking up, I only remembered one sentence: Wife, I love you! Wife, I wish you success in your work, nothing can stop you! come on!

      15. I am very happy, because I have a lifetime to love you; but you are miserable, because I will love you in the next life. Tanabata Happy Valentine's Day!

      16. Oh! Dear, let me tell you that, on the Valentine's Day on the Chinese Valentine's Day a thousand years ago, I didn't go home. You thought I was going to fool around. In fact, I went to buy flowers.

      17. Baby: Recently, I have a toothache, because I often miss you at night, it feels too sweet and will cause tooth decay.

      18. I have no more words, only one sentence to tell you: With you, you are everything! Without you by my side, everything is you! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

      19. God gave me another excuse to ask you. If you are in love, spend time with you, every day is the Chinese Valentine's Day.

      20. Not every festival is called the Qixi Festival, not every couple can become a couple, and it is not called cherish if they are relative to each other day and night. I wish you my beloved from afar, happy Qixi Festival!