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Wedding greetings

花好网     2018-03-19     浏览(212979)
01. May you two love each other with affection and deep affection, love will last forever in this life, and love will increase day by day!

02. Let this lingering verse ring the bell of happiness. May you two love each other forever and grow old together!

03. Blind date and love partner, and have a beautiful marriage with Germany. Huazhu laughed and greeted the lovebirds, and the bridal chamber was happy to bloom together with plum blossoms.

04. The highest state of mutual affection is to be relatively insatiable. Bless a couple who truly love each other and meet forever! Congratulations on the wedding anniversary!

05. This is a season full of colors of love, a season permeated with the breath of love, a season worthy of eternal commemoration, stretch out the hand of love, receive the blessings of Yingying, let happiness bloom with brilliant flowers, and welcome To you in the days to come... I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years!

06, a hundred years of good cooperation! Happy wedding, sweet and sweet! Give birth to your son early!

07. A hundred years of love and double heart knot, thousands of miles of marriage together

08. The sea is dry and the stone is rotten and concentric, and the earth is wide and the sky is high and flying together.

09. Love each other and be happy forever, and be happy with each other. May your love be deeper than the sea!

10. Bless you and laugh for you, because today, my heart is as joyous and happy as you! I wish you all a great success for a hundred years!

11. The Zhulian wall and bridal chambers are warm in spring, the flowers are good, the moon is round and the fish is deep in the water.

12. Today is the day you got married. On behalf of my family, I congratulate you and wish you both happiness and longevity.

13. Marriage is established by God, and a happy marriage is bestowed by God; may our God bestow all the blessings in the sky and the blessings hidden in the earth to you and your family!

14. At this time of joy and celebration, may God guide your marriage, like a river flowing back to the sea, becoming one, no longer two, and it will be endless, endless!

15. May your love be more beautiful than wine; more fragrant than anointing oil; sweeter than the honey dripping from the hive; and more precious than the most expensive treasures!

16. May the fire of your sincere love, like the rising sun, grow stronger as time goes by; so that the waters cannot be extinguished, and the floods cannot be submerged!

17. In this spring day when the flowers are blooming and the flowers are blooming, you two will always be in harmony, as the so-called natural pair, the ground gives birth to a pair! I wish you both love and love, and grow old together!

18. Two glorious flowers in the bridal chamber    a pair of happy people under the lamp Blind date and love partner    Tongde, concentric and beautiful marriage

19. Ten years of repairing can get on the same boat, and a hundred years of repairing can sleep together. Finding her in the vast sea of people is clearly a fate a thousand years ago. I wish you two happiness and harmony.

20. Congratulations!!! Happy wedding, happiness, passion, and old age together.

21. Two red balloons with diamond rings, a handful of roses and a glass of wine. The years of love hold hands, and there are happy days every day.

22. Let Qingfeng send heartfelt blessings and let Liuyun offer sincere affection; tonight and eve, the air is full of intoxicating sweetness. I wish my dearest friend, from the future, love the river forever!

23. Love each other by knowing each other, and know each other more by loving each other. People often say that the gods and relatives are you! I wish you every year in love, and know each other every year!

24. May happy singing always accompany you, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, and be bathed in endless happy years forever. I wish a happy wedding!

25. The highest realm of mutual affection is to be relatively insatiable. Bless a couple who truly love each other and meet forever! Congratulations on the wedding anniversary!

26. He is a word, you are a score, and you two are a harmonious song. A natural fit, happy couple

27. A thousand-year fate is formed in the millennium, and a hundred years of life is accompanied by a hundred years of sleep. Naturally gifted and beautiful, only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals.

28. May happy singing always accompany you, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, and be bathed in endless happy years forever. I wish a happy wedding

29. I have worked hard for half my life and contributed for decades. On this spring day, congratulations on your remarriage. As the saying goes, "The evening is infinitely good, and the day lily is sweet in the evening"!

30. May love be permeated in your sweet life, so that every day in the future will be as brilliant and joyful as today!

31. In this spring day when the flowers are blooming and the flowers are blooming, the two of you will always be in harmony, as the so-called natural pair, the ground gives birth to a pair! I wish you both love and love, and grow old together!

Wedding anniversary

1. The waiting for a lifetime is not a simple and pale mountain alliance and each other, but countless ordinary days to help each other in the same boat!

2. It is love that binds you together, and love connects you to your heart. May you find that every year you are like the first love.

3. On the occasion of your golden wedding anniversary, I would like to congratulate you and wish you more golden years. 4. I wish a happy wedding anniversary, and I hope to get what you want every year in the future. Congratulations on your silver wedding anniversary! Yesterday is a memory, today is happiness, and always love.

5. May you have more anniversaries and happier every year.

6. You are the most shining note in my life, and my life is wonderful because of you! May the beautiful music compose every morning and evening in our future.

7. With you along the way, I will be happy to accompany me to worry, this sincere love, I will cherish forever.

8. There are too many things waiting for us to do. There are too many things to say to you, I want to build a warm nest for you, and get through the ups and downs together, without regrets in this life...

9. My days are bright because of you, my heart is vast because of you, my feelings are fulfilled because of you, my life is happy because of you, everything about me feels warm because of your existence!

10. It is the most rare thing in life to have a dear lover. Whether it is now or in the distant future, we will protect each other's love today. Surrounded by flowers seems to be every morning and evening that you and I spend together. That white rose is not you Is the face pure and refined? Surrounding you is my deep love, and I will be as always in the days to come!

11. Marry me you must be the second happiest person in the world, because the first happiest person is me!