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How to write the greeting card when sending flowers

花好网     2022-12-14     浏览(81327)

1、I promise you will live with me for three generations

The forever classic 33 red roses
Representing the deep love of three lives
Only when you love deeply can you dare to live for three generations
It's the yearning for beautiful love
33 roses are very popular
Neither looks shabby, but the price is acceptable
Just hold it in the palm of your hand
Suitable for lovers and wives

2、Life is about meeting beautiful people by chance

A bunch of hearts that won't melt
I want to love life and myself
All hits hit unexpectedly
Actually, it's all a surprise in your efforts

3、The hope for you is the stars and the sea

Eleven roses mean you are my only one
My love for you has always been wholehearted
11 pieces of crushed ice blue are interspersed with small daisies, beautiful but not mediocre
And the blue of broken ice blue represents


4、May you be full of vitality and face the sun forever

Select large sunflower as the main flower
The golden color makes people full of vitality
Make the whole bunch of flowers more tender
Sunflower represents positive
For elders, lovers and friends

5、Those fragrant and charming flowers,

Between the boundless sea and the long coast,
She will be my lover.

You are as kind and pure as an angel,
Only such a white rose can match
Opening the package, inserting the vase and placing it on the desk is another beautiful scene,
It makes you feel like you are in nature, quiet and comfortable, suitable for lovers, partners and friends.

6、I want to spoil you as a princess and give you all the tenderness

If flowers can talk
So 99 roses are the most exciting expression
Fantastic and romantic pink and white gradient
Especially, known as "Rolls Royce" among roses
Flower language: You are my favorite person
The immortal Aisha Rose
The same name as Princess Aisha in Ice and Snow
Every girl has a princess dream
99 red roses are especially suitable for lovers to give away in the period of passionate love
It can greatly enhance the relationship between the two

7、There are many blessings in your life, and the most sincere wishes for you

Carnation means a grateful heart
Passionate pink carnations
Filled with your blessings, suitable for elders or teachers
This is a way to express our gratitude to them and also a kind of good wishes
Rose and Connaught look rich and warm in color matching
It's easy to please the elders